Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Do we know when to shut-up and just listen? Do we know when our opinion is needed or not? I would say “NO” most of us don’t. Why…because we think we know what’s best for others.

I had an “AH HA” moment…my niece would call me all the time when someone would make her mad, or upset her to where she couldn’t think straight. At first I would voice my opinion about the situation, but then God showed me some things, and made me realize that that was not why he placed me in her life. My position was to shut-up, listen, and let her know that she was special, and that God has a purpose for her life. My opinion about the situation didn’t matter. Let’s just say that when I became a Life Coach, things became a whole lot clearer.


He put me through the test when she came to me and stated that she wasn’t sure that she had made a right decision. Lord knows I knew what I wanted for her, but I couldn’t and wouldn’t tell her that. I had to shut-up, listen, and let her know that whatever choice she made I would support her no matter what. Now here is the lesson…if I would have given her my opinion it may have been the wrong one, and I just might have interrupted the purpose God has for her life. Now do you see why we sometimes need to shut-up, listen, and support. You see the enemy will place people in your path that will voice their opinion, and it will take you away from the direction that God has for your life….YOUR PURPOSE. Now….did she make the right decision….that’s not up to me to decide, only God knows that.

It may not be what we think that person should be doing, but hey we ourselves are doing things today that others don’t think we should be doing. YES….you are.…so top saying you’re not. You’re not perfect, and you should thank God for that because if you were you wouldn’t need to seek him.

Whose opinion are you letting keep you from your purpose?


Copyright 2009 Innovative life Solutions. All rights reserved

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


When we think of a place we think of somewhere to be or an area, location, or a particular position.

I was going to the doctor’s yesterday and as I pulled up into the parking lot I realized that this was not the doctor’s office I needed to be at. I was at the wrong place. What this place had to offer me was something I didn’t need at the time. In order for me to fulfill my present need I had to relocate to another place.

God has a place for you that he needs you to relocate to. It’s a higher place. A place where only you and God can go. No one else can enter into that place. There is something so great waiting for you there. Guess what…it’s only for you!!! Go to that place and receive it.

Will you go to that place or continue to reside in your current place?

Read: John 14: 1-6


Copyright 2009 Innovative Life Solutions. All rights reserved.

Carolyn Taylor
Life Coach
E-mail: ctaylorlifecoach@bellsouth.net

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Do you recognize when people or things shift in your life? Do you embrace it or do you do your best to keep things the way they were?

I have been a part of groups where people and things change. In these groups there is always one person who refuses to recognize that there has been a shift in the program. That person continues to try to function in the old way and they refuse to understand that the old way no longer works for the group. So what happens, they get angry, they try to impose their opinion on others, and they cause a lot of confusing. Whatever the situation is it becomes a total mess because one person refuses to shift with the group.

Think about when you’re driving your car, you have to shift those gears to either go forward or backwards. If those gears don’t shift you don’t move, you stall out, you can’t reach your desired destination. When you refuse to shift you refuse to grow.

This is what happens when God causes a shift in our lives. We start to feel uncomfortable because it’s unfamiliar to us. So we fight it. In our need to continue to control we cause our lives and those around us to not function the way God intended for us to function.

1 Peter 5:5 …….”God resists the proud, but gives to the humble.”


Copyright 2008 Innovative Life Solutions. All rights reserved.

Carolyn Taylor
Certified Personal Life Coach
E-mail: ctaylorlifecoach@bellsouth.net