Tuesday, September 30, 2008


September 30, 2008 (76) (Understanding)

To have an understanding of something is to comprehend it. To believe it is what it is. You have a clear viewpoint of what the subject matter is.

When we are given instructions to do something usually the last questioned asked by the instructor is…Do you understand? If we have a clear view of what we are to do we say, “yes”. If that view isn’t so clear we should say, “no”, and seek further understanding.

As you all know, I am a Life Coach, and part of my job requires me to fully understand where my clients want to go, and what their needs are. So during our session, I routinely say to them…what I hear you saying to me is such, and such, and such. Now if that’s not what they are saying then I am not understanding, which means I can’t help them move forward with that situation. If they can’t move forward they’ll continue to stay in a state of confusing. So I must continue to seek an understanding of what they really need in order to help them move forward.

Here is where some of us are right now in our lives. We don’t know which direction we need or want to go in, but we also don't want to seek an understanding as to why we don't know. So we stay confused, because we become comfortable with it. God wants you to understand what your purpose is. However, in order to understand that purpose you have to know who you are. I CHALLENGE YOU TO READ ALL OF PROVERBS (a chapter a day). The book of Proverbs is full of ways to get the ability to live life skillfully so that you can obtain the understanding you need to get out of your state of confusing.

Read: Proverbs


Copyright 2008 Innovative Life Solutions. All rights reserved.

Carolyn Taylor
Certified Personal Life Coach
E-mail: ctaylorlifecoach@bellsouth.net


Unknown said...

As usual I love it. You continue to inspire me. I've added proverbs to my reading. Thank you and God bless.

Unknown said...

I just have started following your blog... so I will have to get more indepth and read the older posts soon :) look forward to following it